Naev is now in Fedora
The game Naev is now in Fedora’s repositories for 14+. Install using ‘yum install naev’.
Thanks, Spot, for the review.
The game Naev is now in Fedora’s repositories for 14+. Install using ‘yum install naev’.
Thanks, Spot, for the review.
Paul Wise
Saturday, Jul 9, 2011
Jonathan Dieter
Sunday, Jul 10, 2011
Paul Wise
Sunday, Jul 10, 2011
Yes, the images.
Giving users the ability to modify source code and rebuild resulting artefacts is one of the fundamental reasons that the Free Software movement exists in the first place. I think it is a shame that Fedora isn’t able to recognise that in this case.
You wouldn’t accept this situation for programs that couldn’t be rebuilt with a newer GCC so why should non-program software be any different?
Jonathan Dieter
Sunday, Jul 10, 2011
An image isn’t source code. And, apart from that, the images are all png files, available under open licenses, and can be modified if someone is willing to take the time to do so.
Granted, having the script to convert a blender object into the eight-by-eight png grid would be nice to have, but its not the only way to generate the image of a ship.
Paul Wise
Sunday, Jul 10, 2011